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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1


AROUND THE COUNTRYMCNAIRY COUNTY, TN.Sergeant Rick Finley was shot and killed while responding to asuspicious person complaint in the 100 block of New BethelRoad in Selmer Tennessee.McNairy County, TN. — SelmerPolice reported a shooting occurredSaturday December 14thwhen Sgt. Rick Finley respondedto New Bethel Road regardinga suspicious person who triedbreaking into a residence andfired shots into a door.They said when Finley gotthere, the suspicious personattacked and shot him severaltimes, and it forced another officerto return fire.Selmer PD said the suspecttried to enter a home on NewBethel Road before firing severalshots into one of its doors.Finley then confronted DanielHolmes in a driveway across thestreet from the home, where thesuspect attacked the officer andshot the officer several times,killing him.A second officer, identified asLt. Ron Pilkington, arrived momentslater and “was able toreturn fire, killing the suspect,”Selmer PD said.Selmer is about an hour-anda-halfeast of Memphis. TBI saidit was the lead investigator inthe deadly shooting, adding thatagents were working to findout specifics of what led to thegunfire.Very little information hasbeen released about the thirtyyear-old suspect Daniel Holmes.Local TV Station WREG Investigatorsuncovered a copy ofthe TBI’s rap sheet for Holmes.It confirmed he’d been arrestednumerous times before.In 2007, the McNairy CountySheriff’s Office nabbed him ona domestic assault charge. Fouryears later, he was arrestedagain for two drug possessioncharges. In 2012, he was chargedwith harassment.Sgt. Finley worked part-timewith Selmer Police and workedfull-time at the McNairy Sheriff’sOffice.SERGEANT RICK FINLEYHe was known for his braveryand kindness. His former martialarts instructor spoke highly ofhis character.“He is a super good kid,” CraigHamm said. “He has a heart ofgold.”Sunday night, an escort oflaw enforcement officers fromacross the state took Finley backto a funeral home in Selmer.CLICK HERE FOR YOURFREE SUBSCRIPTION28 The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25

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