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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1


AROUND THE COUNTRYGREENSBORO, N.C.Police Officer Michael Horan was shot and killed while responding toa call of a man with a firearm at the Food Lion Store in Greensboro.GREENSBORO, N.C. — OfficerMichael Horan was respondingto a report of a man with a guninside a North Carolina supermarketwhen he was fatally shotMonday and authorities said asuspect was later taken intocustody, authorities say.Greensboro Police said Horanwas responding to the reportwhen he was shot shortly beforemidday at a Food Lion store inGreensboro in the central part ofthe state.Authorities said Monday afternoonthat the circumstances ofthe shooting remain under investigationand they did not immediatelyrelease further specificshow it unfolded. The North CarolinaState Bureau of Investigation,the state’s lead law enforcementagency, is continuing the investigation.Horan was hired in 2017 andbecame a sworn Greensboro PoliceDepartment officer in early2018, Assistant Police Chief MilfordJ. Harris said. Horan servedin the department’s patrol bureau.He also was a longtime U.S.Coast Guard member since 2000,according to his LinkedIn profile.“He was an excellent officer. Hehad an outstanding reputationinside the department and in thecommunity,” Harris said at thenews conference.Elsewhere, Gov. Roy Coopersaid he has been monitoring theday’s developments.Cooper said on the social mediaplatform X that his office hadsent a “significant” number ofstate law enforcement officersto help aid in the emergencyresponse in Greensboro.A heavy police presence wasspotted outside the grocery storein Greensboro afterward.The store will remain closedwhile authorities continue theirinvestigation, Food Lion said in astatement, adding it was providingresources to its affectedworkers. It directed all questionsto local law enforcement andsaid it was cooperating with theinvestigation.The shooting was anotherOFFICER MICHAEL HORANreminder that state lawmakersshould strengthen resources andimprove safety for law enforcementofficers, said Democraticstate Sen. Michael Garrett, whorepresents part of Guilford Countywhere Greensboro is located.“During what should be a timeof joy and celebration, anotherbrave officer has been shot inthe line of duty. Another family’sholiday season forever changed,”Garrett said in a Facebook statement.CLICK HERE FOR YOURFREE SUBSCRIPTION34 The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25

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