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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1


AROUND THE COUNTRYST. LUCIE CNTY, FL.Distracted driver slams into stopped cruiser at 60+ mph, destroyingtruck and injuring a St. Lucie County deputy.By Joanna Putman, Police1ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL. — A St.Lucie County Sheriff’s deputy andanother motorist were hospitalizedafter a crash that severelydamaged a department pickuptruck, WPTV reported.Deputy Patterson, a six-yearveteran of the department,was responding to debris in theroadway when her marked unit,with emergency lights activated,was struck by a distracted driverwho failed to yield, according tothe report. The pickup truck collidedwith the deputy’s vehicle athigh speed, causing significantdamage.“Our deputy gets there, activatestheir emergency lights,then out of nowhere, a vehiclefollowing behind wasn’t payingattention and crashed into themat, you know, 60+ miles an hour,”Sheriff Keith Pearson told WPTV.Body camera footage releasedby the sheriff’s office capturedthe moment of impact, whichjolted the deputy’s vehicle. BothPatterson and the driver of theCLICK TO WATCHtruck were taken to the hospital.Patterson has since beenreleased and is “shaken up, butvery, very happy to be alive,”Pearson said.The driver who caused thecrash sustained minor injuriesand was cited for violating Florida’s“Move Over” law, which requiresmotorists to change lanesor slow down when approachingstopped emergency vehicles,according to the report.Pearson emphasized the severityof the crash, noting the extensivedamage to both vehicles.“This isn’t a fender bender. Thisis a full-size pickup truck. Theback half of it completely gone,”he said.Pearson urged drivers to stayfocused and move over foremergency vehicles to preventsimilar incidents.“We have two totaled vehiclesthat all could have been preventedhad that driver just beenpaying attention,” he said.CLICK HERE FOR YOURFREE SUBSCRIPTION40 The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25

The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25 41

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