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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1


AROUND THE COUNTRYSAN ANTONIO, TX.SAPD officer who died by suicide was under investigation by Rockport PD.SAN ANTONIO, TX. – A SanAntonio police officer who diedby suicide while on duty Tuesdaywas under investigation forinvasive visual recording at aRockport motel, records obtainedby KSAT show.SAPD confirmed Thursday thatthe death of Officer WilliamKasberg, who was with the departmentfor 30 years, was notan accident.SAPD Chief William McManusinitially said that Kasberg waspreparing to enter a state-mandatedALERRT training sessionwhen his weapon accidentallydischarged, striking him. He wastaken to the hospital, where helater died.SAPD officer who died bysuicide was under investigationfor invasive visual recording inRockport, records showHe was under criminal investigationby the Rockport PoliceDepartment for recording ateenager without their consentinside a bathroom, recordsobtained from Rockport policestate.The incident happened Nov. 14at a motel in the 7300 block ofSouth Water Street. The offensewas reported to Rockport onNov. 25.In a news release, Rockportpolice said Kasberg was visitingRockport with his girlfriend andrelatives, when a relative noticedthe invasive visual recording.“On December 9, 2024, detectiveswith the Rockport PoliceDepartment contacted Kasberg,who indicated he would agree tospeak with detectives in personabout our case at a later time,”the news release from RPDstates.Rockport Police DepartmentChief Nathan Anderson said thedepartment will approach thiscase as it would any other investigation.“We’re treating this just likeany other case that we wouldinvestigate. The fact that he wasa police officer in San Antonio,it has nothing to do with our investigation,“Anderson said. “It’sunfortunate that it’s a fellow officerwho’s being accused of this,but we’re handling the case justlike we would any other citizenthat this is reported on.”On Thursday, SAPD said Kasbergused his own gun in theshooting.Investigators said they are stilllooking for more evidence in thiscase.“The next step now is the casewill ultimately be cleared sincethe person accused has unfortunatelytaken his own life,” Andersonsaid. “But we will continuewith the investigation just to doour due diligence, whether to eitherclear him or see if there wasprobable cause that the crimeoccurred.”Tuesday’s shooting happenedat 9:30 a.m. near the vacantColumbia Heights ElementarySchool building in the 1600 blockof Fitch Street.A fellow officer, who was alsoheading to the training, heardthe gunshot and found Kasberglying on his back with a gunshotwound.McManus described the incidentas a “terrible, terrible tragicaccident” at a news conferenceon Tuesday. He noted that Kasberghad served on the force for30 years and was nearing retirement.48 The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25

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