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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1


AROUND THE COUNTRYNEW YORK, NY.Man accused of fatally burning woman on NYC subwayindicted for murder and arson.NEW YORK, NY -- A grand juryhas indicted the man accused offatally setting a woman on fireon a New York City subway train,Brooklyn District Attorney EricGonzalez announced.Investigators said SebastianZapeta, 33, used a lighter to setthe unidentified woman’s clotheson fire as she slept inside a traincar at the Coney Island-StillwellAvenue station on Dec. 22.Zapeta used a shirt to fan theflames, according to the criminalcomplaint. He is charged withone court of 1st degree murder,three counts of 2nd degree murderand one court of 1st degreearson related to the attack.“These are significant counts.Murder in the first degree carriesthe possibility of life without parole.It’s the most serious statutein New York state law, and myoffice is very confident aboutthe evidence in this case and ourability to hold Zapeta accountablefor his dastardly deeds,”Gonzalez said.The DA noted the disturbingdetails of the crime.“This was a malicious deed. Asleeping, vulnerable woman onour subway system. This act surprisedmany New Yorkers as theywere getting ready to celebratethe holidays,” Gonzalez said. “Iwant to thank the grand jurors inthis case. You know, right aroundthe holiday to have to see thevideo and the images of a womanset on fire is, very, it’s veryhard to deal with.”Zapeta waived his Friday courtappearance and will be arraignedJan. 7, when the indictmentwill be officially unsealed.Immigration and Customs Enforcementofficials said Zapetaentered the U.S. illegally fromGuatemala in 2018 and was deported,but he reentered sometimeafterwards.Mayor Eric Adams’ office ispushing for federal charges to beadded against Zapeta under thefederal arson statute, but Gonzaleznoted the state charges carrya more severe penalty.“We believe very strongly thatthis case belongs in state court,because the charges here aremore significant in state courtthan currently in federal court.But we have a very strong workingrelationship with our federalpartners, and of course we’llalways do what’s in the best interestof the people of the stateof New York,” Gonzalez said.“Lighting another human beingon fire and watching them burnalive reflects a level of evil thatcannot be tolerated,” a statementfrom the mayor’s officesaid.Gonzalez said the killing was“intentional” and that his teamintends to prove it in court.“It’s clear that it appears thata lighter was used to set her onfire,” he said.While the identity of the womanfatally burned on the subwayremains unknown, officials believeshe may have been homeless.Gonzalez said investigators areworking to figure out who she is.“Her body was badly burned,50 The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25

and so advanced fingerprintingefforts are being made, as wellas advanced DNA evidence toidentify her. We have made someprogress in that area, but I’m notat liberty to get into specificsnow,” Gonzalez said.Thursday, community leadersgathered on the F train platformat the Stillwell station in ConeyIsland to pray for her. They calledher death a systemic failure.“Her life mattered. Thank Godthey caught the person that didthis. But it’s not just the person’sfault. It’s the system’s fault.The system failed,” Rev. KevinMcCall said. “Homeless livesmatter. She was burned up sobad the police could not evenidentify who she is.”The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25 51

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