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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

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  • Blues
  • Trump
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  • Blues police magazine
  • The blues
  • Worlds largest police magazine
  • Tom homan
  • Border czar
  • President trump
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  • Police news
JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

failures,” according

failures,” according to KFDX/KJTL.The outlet reported Thursdaythat Smith’s vehicle was pulledover later that day after leavingthe city Christmas party. However,the city manager’s wife,who had not been drinking, wasbehind the wheel.When approached by reportersfrom KFDX for comment Smithreportedly said it would be inappropriatefor him to commentuntil after the Texas Rangershave completed their investigation.In a statement issued Thursdayreported by KAUZ, the TMPA said,“Accountability and transparencyare fundamental principles inpublic service and law enforcement.TMPA and the JacksboroPolice Association demand immediateaction to address theseissues, restore integrity, andrebuild trust in city leadership.”The Jacksboro Police Associationshared the joint statementas well and urged “the mayorand city council to immediatelycall an emergency session andaddress this matter!”CONN. LEO FOUND JUSTIFIEDIN FATAL SHOOTING OF MANWHO TRIED TO FLEE WITHK-9, OFFICER INSIDE CARBy Susan HaighAssociated PressWEST HARTFORD, CT. — AConnecticut police officer whofatally shot a man as he triedto flee in a stolen vehicle whilebeing subdued by a K-9 wasjustified in using deadly force,according to a report issuedThursday by the state’s Office ofInspector General.It was both “reasonable andjustified” for West HartfordOfficer Andrew Teeter to firefive rounds into the torso ofMike Alexander-Garcia on Aug.8, 2023, to “defend himself andothers from what he reasonablybelieved to be a threat of seriousinjury or death,” Inspector GeneralRobert J. Devlin, Jr. wrote inthe report.The document comes fourmonths after the family of Alexander-Garciafiled a wrongfuldeath lawsuit naming Teeter, theWest Hartford police and thetown as defendants. It allegesviolations of Alexander-Garcia’sconstitutional rights, state lawsand police policies and procedures.The 2023 confrontation occurredduring the evening rushhour on a busy local street inthe Hartford suburb. Police hadreceived a report of a stolenvehicle. They used tire-deflationdevices to try and stop it, but thevehicle kept moving before eventuallycrashing. Alexander-Garcia,who was inside, abandonedthe car, tried unsuccessfully toCLICK TO WATCHtake two occupied vehicles beforerunning into a nearby carservice center and getting intoa Toyota RAV4 with the keys inthe ignition.Teeter sent the K-9 into thevehicle through an open carwindow and ordered the dog tobite Alexander-Garcia. Teeteralso got into the RAV4. ButAlexander-Garcia, who beganto drive off, ignored thebites, Teeter’s orders to stopand repeated threats to shootand continued to drive away,the inspector general’s officedetermined.The officer shot Alexander-Garciawhile he wasdriving away recklessly, hittingTeeter’s cruiser, another vehicleand a stack of tires beforecrashing into a utility pole. Alexander-Garciawas treated atthe scene and later pronounceddead at a nearby hospital.The inspector general’s investigationdetermined it was“reasonable” for Teeter to deploythe dog and to get insidethe vehicle himself.58 The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25

The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25 59

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Blues Trump Immigration Biden Blues police magazine The blues Worlds largest police magazine Tom homan Border czar President trump Law enforcement Police news


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