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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

cifically for emergency

cifically for emergency communicationscenters, includingrouting calls appropriately andcollecting information for publicsafety resources to be dispatched,the news release states.The dispatch center encouragescallers to provide as much detailas possible to the AI to get thefastest response to non-emergencyrequests.“We’re trying to free up someof our staff to have more time todeal with emergencies,” KalamazooCounty Dispatch AuthorityExecutive Director Jeffery Troyersaid.All calls that require publicsafety assistance are reviewedand monitored by dispatchers toensure complete and accurateinformation is passed on to thecorrect resource, KalamazooCounty Dispatch Authority said.Several “fail-safes” are in thesystem, Kalamazoo County DispatchAuthority said.If Ava can’t understand thecaller’s needs or determines thecall to be an emergency, the callis immediately transferred toa dispatcher to assist, officialssaid.There are times when the callcenter is handling a high volumeof calls, like during a tornado,he said. The AI will be useful forthose times, when dispatcherssometimes cannot get to thenon-emergency calls.A call placed to the non-emergencynumber Thursday afternoonwas answered by the AI.The call was promptly forwardedto Troyer after the caller askedfor the director. Hear the AI’svoice in the video below as Avatransfers the call:In the past, the transfer wouldhave been handled by a human.CLICK TO WATCHThe facility handles an averageof 260,000 non-emergency callsper year including police, fire andmedical incidents. About half ofthe calls come through the mainnon-emergency number, 269-488-8911, and the AI will handlethose calls, the agency said.MAN FLEES OHIO POLICEWITH OPEN DOOR, EJECTINGBABY DURING HIGH-SPEEDPURSUITJoanna PutmanBRYAN, OH. — A high-speedpursuit involving a man with awarrant resulted in a 9-montholdbaby in a car seat beingejected from a speeding minivan,WSVN reported.The incident began on Dec. 1in the parking lot of a Walmartin Bryan, where officers approacheda man who had anactive warrant. Body camerafootage shows the man’s girlfriendloading groceries intothe minivan as officers initiatedcontact.Seconds later, the man spedaway, leaving his girlfriend behind.Inside the van were his infantson and 5-year-old daughter,according to the report.Dashcam footage capturedofficers pursuing the man ashe reached speeds of up to 100mph. During the pursuit, officersnoted the minivan’s door wasajar. As the vehicle rounded acurve, the 9-month-old in a carseat fell out, bouncing on theroadway.Authorities said the door waslikely not properly closed whenthe man fled, according to thereport.The pursuit ended when officersdecided to halt the pursuitdue to bad weather. Whileattempting to evade police,the man contacted the infant’smother and revealed his location.The man later dropped off hisdaughter at a friend’s house, butit took officers an hour to locatethe baby, according to the report.The infant was found on the sideof the highway in his car seat,awake and crying. Bodycam videoshows the emotional momentthe child’s mother found him andcradled him in her arms.Doctors said the baby’s bodytemperature had dropped todangerous levels and could havebecome life-threatening if hehad been left outside much longer,according to the report.The man was eventually ar-62 The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25

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