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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

rested at a nearby

rested at a nearby apartmentcomplex. He admitted to policethat he panicked and made a“poor decision.” He now facescharges of child endangerment,according to the report.LOUISIANA LAW GRANT-ING POLICE 25-FOOT ‘BUFFERZONE’ FACING LEGAL CHAL-LENGEBy Richard MoorheadBATON ROUGE, LA - A Louisianastate law that requires membersof the public to stay 25 feetaway from law enforcement inthe midst of their official dutiesis facing a legal challengein federal court this week, witha judge suggesting that he mayissue a ruling against it.Under the law, those that approachlaw enforcement “knowinglyor intentionally” within thedistance after receiving a warningcan face as many as 60 daysin jail, according to Newsday. U.S.District Judge John deGravellesheard arguments in a lawsuitregarding the legislation onWednesday, filed by attorneysfrom six different news organizationswho accuse the state ofviolating the First and FourteenthAmendments to the Constitutionin enforcing it.DeGravelles did appear to takeexception with the law’s lack ofdistinction between individualsengaged in disruptive or criminalconduct- or members of thepublic simply watching law enforcementactivity at a distancewithin the 25-foot threshold.“That person (reporter or bystander)doesn’t have to commita crime. The person doesn’thave to act suspiciously andthe officer doesn’t have to feelthreatened,” the judge said ofthe provision. DeGravelles furtherdisclosed how the law could beselectively enforced “willy-nilly,”and raised the concern thatauthorities could enforce thebuffer zone out of a mere desirethat he or she “doesn’t want tobe looked at.”Louisiana state legislators defendedthe measure as one thatwould facilitate the safety ofpolice officers performing arrestsand other dangerous dutiesduring debate on the legislationearlier this year.“At 25 feet, that person can’tspit in my face when I’m makingan arrest,” Republican stateRep. Bryan Fontenot said of theproposal in committee hearingsearlier this year.“The chances of him hitting mein the back of the head with abeer bottle at 25 feet — it sureis a lot more difficult than if he’ssitting right here.”No arrests under the new lawhave been made yet- a fact thatattorneys for the state cited inarguing that the plaintiffs werebringing up an entirely “hypothetical”case before the court.Critics of the lawSimilar laws in other stateshave come up short as a resultof legal challenges, with lawsenacted by Arizona and Indiananixed by the courts. Florida is setto place a similar law in effecton Jan. 1, having been signedinto law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.DeGravelles is slated to makea ruling regarding the law afterthe plaintiffs and defenseare provided three days each tomake additional legal argumentsregarding the matter.WOUNDED CALIF. POLICESERGEANT RETURNS FIRE AF-TER AMBUSHBy Anthony Galaviz,The Fresno BeeFRESNO — The Fresno PoliceDepartment released chillingvideo footage Friday afternoonof an October officer-involvedshooting that injured a sergeantand left a suspect dead in asoutheast neighborhood.The gun battle happened Oct.26 when officers responded toan alarm from a device called aShotSpotter that is designed todetect when gunshots are firedin Fresno neighborhoods. Twoshots were detected in the 370064 The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25

block of East Platt Ave. in theearly evening.A sergeant was investigatingthose gunshots and a nearby homicideas he was parked alongthe east curb of South SeventhStreet, south of East Verrue Avenue,police say. As the sergeantwas parked, a blue Nissan Frontierrolled up from Verrue Avenueand the driver began firing.The suspect initially fired 10rounds into the side of the patrolcar at the sergeant, referredto as “Sergeant # 1” in the videoreleased by Fresno police The ensuing gunbattle, which unfolded in twodifferent locations, resulted inthe sergeant shot three times inthe legs and the suspect killed.The composite video, whichincludes multiple angles and perspectives,captures the sounds ofgunfire and shows some bloodon the sergeant’s left leg and onthe suspect’s shorts.The suspect in the vehicle waslater identified as 40-year-oldAndy Morales. He was pronounceddead at the hospital.Police say he is suspected ofearlier killing a man in a nearbyhome.Mayor Jerry Dyer reviewed thevideo and on Friday called it“very shocking and disturbing towatch.”“It clearly showed how committedthe suspect was in tryingto kill officers,” Dyer said in anemail to The Bee. “It also reflectedhow heroic the officersactions were. I am thankful noofficers or community memberswere killed, other than the initialhomicide victim.”Police said the incident is anon-going investigation and “noadditional information or statementwill be provided beyondthe written news release andvideo.”The department posted thevideo on on Fridayand said it was a composite productiontaken from surveillancevideo, body-worn camera footageand 911 call recordings. Italso includes an interactive mapshowing where and how thegun battle unfolded and writtencommentary read aloud bya narrator explaining the actionand pausing video to highlightkey moments. The video containsa warning at the beginning thatsays it is graphic in nature andthat “viewer discretion is advised.”N.J. SHERIFF DEPLOYSDRONE PATROL UNIT TO INVES-TIGATE MYSTERY SIGHTINGSBy Joanna Putman,Police1SEASIDE HEIGHTS, N.J. — Residentsin Ocean County witnessedincreased drone activity on Dec.15 as the Ocean County Sheriff’sOffice launched a new dronepatrol unit and investigatednumerous reports of unidentifieddrones in the area, CBS NewsCLICK TO WATCHPhiladelphia reported.Sheriff Michael Mastronardyconfirmed sightings, includingan incident where a deputyreported observing 50 dronesflying from the ocean toward themainland over Island Beach StatePark, according to the report.The command center in SeasideHeights monitored the skieswhile deploying its own dronesto investigate further.The surge in drone sightings,which began in mid-November,has spanned New Jersey, Pennsylvaniaand four other states,with drones seen over homes,highways and military installations,according to the report.Despite reassurances from theWhite House that the dronesdo not pose a public safety ornational security threat, localofficials remain frustrated by thelack of detailed federal responses.“This is affecting our citizensevery day, every night, and thishas to stop,” said Ocean CountyCommissioner Frank Sadeghi.Seaside Park Mayor John PetersonJr. echoed similar concerns,calling the federal government’sresponse “very, very insulting.”In a press conference on Dec.The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25 65

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