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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

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  • Blues
  • Trump
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  • Blues police magazine
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  • Worlds largest police magazine
  • Tom homan
  • Border czar
  • President trump
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  • Police news
JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

15, New Jersey

15, New Jersey CongressmanChris Smith announced plansto introduce federal legislationgranting state and local law enforcementenhanced authority tocounter drone activity.“It will most of all allow thestate police to have the sametype of capability as the Departmentof Defense and HomelandSecurity that if necessary todown one of these unmanneddrones,” Smith said.MAN WIELDING BOX CUT-TER FATALLY SHOT BY BAILIFFDURING EVICTIONSarah RoebuckDETROIT, MI. — Body cameravideo released by the DetroitPolice Department shows themoments leading up to a fatalshooting during an eviction.On July 12, a bailiff was at anapartment to evict a 44-yearoldman, CBS Detroit reported.The bailiff reported that the manbecame aggressive, resulting inDetroit police responding to theapartment.Body-worn camera video fromthe incident released on Dec. 23shows the bailiff and the officerknocking on the apartment door,stating they are there to servethe eviction notice.Once the bailiff and the officermake entry into the apartment,the bailiff tells the man, whowas inside a bedroom on a bed,that they can talk about the situationas the man tells the bailiffthey are inside his apartment“illegally.”The bailiff continues to try tode-escalate the situation, askingthe man if there’s a family memberhe can call to help resolvethe situation.“Listen, we will back up if youdrop the knife,” the bailiff says.More officers respond to thescene as the bailiff continues toask the man to drop the knife,which was later determined tobe a box cutter. The man continuedto yell at the bailiff andofficers and refused to drop theweapon.After an officer reads thepapers from the court out loudto the man, the bailiff starts tomove into the bedroom near thesuspect. The bailiff then tasesthe suspect, who is still holdingthe box cutter, video shows. Thesuspect then got up from thebed and went toward the bailiffwith a box cutter, prompting thebailiff to fire shots at the suspect,prosecutors said. The suspectthen attempted to approach oneof the officers with the box cutterwhen the bailiff fired again.Officers on the scene renderedaid to the suspect whowas transported to the hospitalwhere he was pronounced deceased,CBS Detroit reports.Police did call a crisis interventionteam, but before theyarrived, the bailiff had to actCLICK TO WATCHin self-defense and defense ofothers, the Wayne County Prosecutor’sOffice said.“The actions of the bailiff werenot criminal given these circumstances,”Wayne County ProsecutorKym Worthy said.CA GOV. GAVIN NEWSOMEYEING WAYS TO HELP ILLEGALALIENS DODGE DEPORTATIONUNDER TRUMP ADMINISTRA-TIONBy Richard Moorhead,Law Enforcement TodaySACRAMENTO, CA - With President-electDonald Trump slatedto begin his second term in January,California Gov. Gavin Newsomis eyeing policy that wouldthrow a wrench into Trump’splan to carry out a mass deportationof illegal aliens.A Newsom administrationmemorandum leaked to Politicoreveals that the state is mullingover a “Immigrant Support NetworkConcept,” in which illegalswould be connected with freeservices from Democratic-controlledmunicipalities, schools,legal services and labor unionscontrolled by the state’s super-66 The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25

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Blues Trump Immigration Biden Blues police magazine The blues Worlds largest police magazine Tom homan Border czar President trump Law enforcement Police news


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