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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

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  • Blues
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  • Worlds largest police magazine
  • Tom homan
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JAN. 2025. Blues Vol 41 No. 1

“ERO Boston will take

“ERO Boston will take everyopportunity to identify, locateand take into custody criminalnon citizens facing felonycharges and keep them in custodyuntil their criminal and immigrationproceedings are resolved.Not only is this our mission, it isalso the lawful thing to do.”The Suffolk County Sheriff’sDepartment opted to end a partnershiparrangement with ICE in2019, instead pledging to divertthe resources involved in thepartnership to women detainedin the Suffolk County House ofCorrection. The head of ICE ERO(Enforcement and Removal Operations)expressed her dissatisfactionwith the decision, endinga law enforcement partnershipthat had served the communitysince 2003.Massachusetts Gov. MauraHealey has pledged to underminethe incoming administrationof President-elect DonaldTrump as it relates to deportingillegal aliens, pledging to use“every tool in the toolbox” toshield illegal aliens from deportation.Illegal immigration significantlyraises housing costs onlocal communities flooded withan influx of largely low-wageworkers, and Massachusettshosts one of the most onerouscost burdens for housing in theUnited States.LAS VEGAS METRO PO-LICE OFFICER KILLED INWRONG-WAY ACCIDENT WITHTWICE-DEPORTED ILLEGALIMMIGRANTBy Matthew Holloway,Law Enforcement TodayLAS VEGAS, NV- Federal officialshave identified the wrongwaydriver who struck the vehicleof Las Vegas Metro PoliceOfficer Colton Pulsipher, 29, onDec. 12, as Fernando Jimenez a31-year-old twice deported illegalimmigrant under an ICE removalorder since 2021. Both menwere killed in the crash that tookplace in the northbound lanes ofInterstate 15 near the Valley ofFire and were pronounced deadat the scene.As reported by KLAS, as of thisreport it is unknown if intoxicationwas a factor in the accident,however, “several containers ofalcohol and marijuana packagesin and around,” the wreckage ofJiminez’s vehicle according toLVMPD. A post-mortem toxicologyreport is still pending.KSNV reported that a thirddriver suffered serious injurieswhen their vehicle a Honda CR-Vcollided with the overturnedFord F-150 driven by Jimenez.Jiminez entered the U.S. illegallytwice in 2019 and was deportedboth times per Immigrationand Customs Enforcement(ICE) officials told the outlet. TheNew York Post reported that heattempted to gain entry legallyin 2020 at the Brownsville, TXPort of Entry, after which underBiden Administration policyhe was released into the U.S.When he failed to appear for hisimmigration hearing in 2021 animmigration judge ordered hisdeportation in absentia. But atthis point, Jiminez’s whereaboutswere unknown to authorities.In a Facebook post, the departmentstated that Pulsipherwas off-duty at the time of theaccident and driving home fromhis shift. He had been a memberof the department since 2017and was assigned to the TouristSafety Division, Traffic Bureau.His wife and three young childrensurvive him.Officer Pulsipher was laid torest on December 18th.LVMPD said in a post memorializingthe officer, “As we honorhis legacy, we remember a manwho truly embodied the spirit ofservice. He will forever hold aspecial place in our hearts. Resteasy, Officer Pulsipher. We’ve gotit from here.”72 The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25

HPD OFFICER FINDS DEADMAN IN THE BACK OF POLICECRUISER AT BEGINNING OF HISSHIFTBy Jenna Curren,Law Enforcement TodayHOUSTON, TX- On Sunday,December 22nd, authorities withthe Houston Police Department(HPD) said that a dead man wasfound in the rear seat of a patrolcar, prompting an investigationinto the incident.According to ABC News, thebody was discovered around2:30 p.m. on Saturday, December21st in a police car that had beenparked outside a city-run drugand alcohol treatment centernortheast of downtown Houston.In a statement, HPD said, “An officerwith our Mental Health Divisionwent to his patrol vehicle tobeing his shift and discovered adeceased male in the back seat.”Officer Erika Ramirez, aspokesperson for HPD, toldABC News that the investigationwas ongoing and that policeare awaiting the results of anautopsy by the Harris CountyInstitute of Forensic Sciences.Ramirez said the cause of deathand the man’s identity remainedunknown as of Sunday. Policesaid there were no obvious signsof trauma on the man’s body.Ramirez said, “It seems like hewas a homeless man seekingshelter from the weather.”It is unclear how long the deceasedbody was in the policecar before being discovered.VIOLENT CRIME DROPS IN2024, WITH 16% FEWER HOMI-CIDES NATIONWIDEBy Joanna PutmanWASHINGTON — Homicidesacross the United States are ontrack to drop for the third consecutiveyear in 2024, reachinglevels not seen since before thepandemic, according to preliminarydata from law enforcementagencies.Analysts predict a nearly 16%nationwide decline in homicides,alongside a 3.3% drop in overallviolent crime, making this year’sdecrease the most significantsince the FBI began keepingcomprehensive crime statistics,ABC News reported.The trend builds on substantialdeclines in previous years: a 13%reduction in homicides in 2023,following a 6% decrease in 2022.These decreases come in thewake of a 30% spike in murdersbetween 2019 and 2020, the largestsingle-year increase in morethan a century, according to thereport.“Considering where we werejust three or four years ago,we’re basically looking at 5,000fewer murder victims than in2020, 2021 and 2022 having occurredin 2024,” said Jeff Asher,a national crime analyst andco-founder of AH Datalytics.Cities large and small contributedto the decline, with majormetropolitan areas like Philadelphiaseeing a 40% drop inhomicides and other cities suchas New Orleans, Washington,D.C., and Memphis reportingdecreases of 38%, 29% and 23%,respectively, according to thereport. Smaller cities also experiencedsharp reductions, witha 19% decline in murders acrossmunicipalities with populationsunder 250,000.The BLUES - JANUARY ‘25 73

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